

Dealing with tax shouldn’t be taxing

PKF UK and Ireland is the 9th largest tax advisor in the UK. For us, help with tax is about far more than guiding you through the detail and the process. It extends to ensuring your business pays the right amount of tax – but no more, while mitigating tax on transactions, disposals or successions, in full compliance with legal obligations.

Dedicated, creative and responsive taxation experts

Through our UK and Ireland-wide network of offices, you have access to trusted tax specialists to guide you through the taxation minefield – and realise untapped opportunities to save both time and money.

Based on your unique needs and circumstances, we’ll identify the taxation strategy that brings you the most benefit, and explain it in clear, actionable language.

Through our UK and Ireland-wide network of offices, you have access to trusted tax specialists to guide you through the taxation minefield – and realise untapped opportunities to save both time and money.

Global tax

Tax has been under the global spotlight like never before in recent years, as organisations and governments around the world look to clarify – and often tighten up – existing taxation frameworks.

Now more than ever, you need to be confident that your business is paying the correct tax, in the correct locations, while at the same time managing your liabilities as efficiently as possible.

Our best endorsement? The fact that nearly 400 accountancy and law firms across the UK come to us for advice on complex tax issues for their own clients.

Our comprehensive range of taxation services includes advice on:

  • Corporate tax
  • Capital allowances
  • R&D
  • International tax
  • Personal tax
  • Land and property taxes
  • EU and international transactions
  • Insurance premium tax (IPT)
  • Partial exemption
  • VAT
  • Mergers and acquisitions advice
  • Employer solutions
  • Global mobility
  • Corporate criminal offence

How can we help?

To find out more, or to arrange a conversation about how we can support your business’s success, get in touch today.