Claire Palmer
Office: London
Tel: +44 (0)20 7516 2210
Email: cpalmer@pkf.co.uk
Professional Experience
Claire is a Partner in our London office’s Not for Profit division.
She specialises in advising institutional donors and their recipients. Claire leads the institutional donor grant audit team, co-ordinating PKF’s experts’ international work at both donor agency headquarters and in the field. She uses her extensive experience to provide not only high-quality financial audits but also recommendations that enable both donors and grant recipients to simplify complexity and improve project delivery.
As a specialist in advising recipients under programmes such as H2020, NIH and Innovate UK, she supports SMEs, multinational businesses and not for profit institutions in grant certification and other donor requirements.
Claire is one of PKF’s most experienced European Commission grant audit partners and has led over 240 assignments in over 100 countries, covering grants awarded in areas such as humanitarian and development aid, research and development, education and culture, and the environment.